Day 7- hang and press

Monday Sept 10,2012 WOD:

8 rounds of :

20 seconds hang clean 115/75 10 seconds rest 20 seconds Push press/Push Jerk 115/75 10 seconds rest

"Skill Transfer Exercises for the Snatch" with Coach BurgenerCrossFit Journal preview video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

WOD Demo with CrossFit Urban Warfit - video [wmv] [mov] [HD mov]

This is the last day of the first week of the challenge. Congratulations to everyone who are still powering through. It has definitely been a challenge. This next week will be a little bit more challenging. You may be going through different thoughts and emotions of why you are doing it. Some may have been doing it strictly for the prize. Others for pure health reasons. Whichever reason, in the end, you are disciplining yourself for a better way of life in regards to your nutrition. Hopefully, you are experiencing things that you are able to notice and remember. Processed foods are not the best for you! I love a quote from Bob Kincade - "Have you ever read the ingredients on the packaging of bread? I don't even know what half of that stuff is ."That's pretty scary coming from a heart surgeon. I guess the bottom line is "everything in moderation". We know that the consumption of processed sugars leads to the constant release of insulin in our system which leads to our bodies always storing. So if you are looking for a certain "look" then don't consume.If youre looking for optimal health than eat lean protein, fruit, and vegetables. No it's not easy But it is better.

For those still in it continue to keep accurate score. Check the board to make sure you are on track. Good luck.



Nutrition Points: (28 points possible) (42 negative points possible) -1: Cheat Item. Includes any item that is not paleo or dairy. Maximum negative points in a day is 3. But don’t cheat. +1:Primal Meal (include dairy) +2: Day of paleo. Butter and whey protein are acceptable. Cannot have any cheats during the day to earn 2 points.

Workout Points: (14 points Possible) (14 negative points possible) +1 Workout every day. There will be workouts to do on days you cannot make it to the gym as well as at least 10 minutes of active stretching for recovery days . -1 On days that you do not workout or do active stretching.

Bonus Points: (28 points possible) +1 for working on your goat every day in addition to your daily workout. (must spend at least 5 minutes on your goat) +7 for completing the weekly challenges.