rest to work

Monday July 23,2012 WOD:

Freedom Gone bad

3 rounds of 1 minute per station. Score is total number of reps

Box jumps 20/24 Clean 95/65 burpee to plate Push press 75/55 Row for calories Rest An interesting thought I heard over the weekend- Work to Rest or Rest to Work. Which are you? Do you work, work, work and then collapse on the weekend just to find that you are completely busy on saturday and sunday and then have to start it again to where you never even get any rest?


what if we used the weekend as a disciplined time to REST so that we could go into our work with a fresh and clear mind?

We set aside time to WOD but are we balanced in all areas? Is it even possible? well, i know it is a challenge for me but a part of a healthy lifestyle and pattern is , yes, CROSSFIT, but also disciplining myself for time to recuperate. I challenge you to do the same. CrossFit is so much more than just killing WODs. It is setting the tone for a balanced fitness culture. Nutrition, Rest, Excercise, Mobility. a better way of life.

Train for life. See you there.
