
WOD thursday 01/19/2012 Max: double unders in 1 min

Work Capacity:

5 rounds 15 Deadlift 225/155 10burpees 5 pullups

I love that there are no mirrors at the box. It's a cold, concrete, box. A space for athletes to get together and train their hearts out. I love that the box is not fully equipped. I love that the heart of the athlete that trains at the box is "let's get in and get after it". I love that no one cares what fitness level your at. It's a positive environment. And by positive I mean progressing forward, encouraging, seeing the best not the worst. Sometimes when it comes to our fitness and lifestyle we need to reboot. We need to remember where we came from and move forward. It's the mirrors that remind us about all of our insecurities and inefficiencies, but it's the people that have the ability to see the potential in others and draw it out. Let's continue building this community! You're doing a great job Loomis!
